Message: “The Opportunities of Conflict” from Iain Anderson

A message from the series "Pursuing Peace: The Redemption of Conflict." (1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1) Today we begin to explore a new series that will continue throughout 2025. We are looking at what does it mean for us to be the Peace Makers that Jesus invites us to be? In this first message, Iain takes the opportunity to provide a different way of looking at conflict. Rather than seeing it as something to avoid, or a contest to be won, what if we saw it as a series of opportunities to grow closer to God?

Iain Anderson - April 9, 2023

Have We Missed The Point?

(Luke 24:13-32) It's Resurrection Sunday, a day of great joy and celebration... but have we started to become numb to this story and what it means? Have we begun to miss the point and the hope that is found in Easter? This Easter Sunday Iain unpacks the story of Cleopas and his friend as they head from Jerusalem to Emmaus considering what they know of Jesus. They are so close to understanding and yet they are still missing the point.

From Series: "Easter 2023"

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