Message: “The Opportunities of Conflict” from Iain Anderson

A message from the series "Pursuing Peace: The Redemption of Conflict." (1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1) Today we begin to explore a new series that will continue throughout 2025. We are looking at what does it mean for us to be the Peace Makers that Jesus invites us to be? In this first message, Iain takes the opportunity to provide a different way of looking at conflict. Rather than seeing it as something to avoid, or a contest to be won, what if we saw it as a series of opportunities to grow closer to God?

Iain Anderson - April 16, 2023

Stop Faking It

(Romans 12:9-21) Relationships can be hard at times, rather than being life-giving they can begin to throw out sparks. Yet they are essential for who we are as people. So how are we meant to make sure our relationships operate well? Paul challenges us in Romans 12 to stop sowing fake love to people and instead, begin truly loving them. He then unpacks what that looks like, including when people don't respond in the same way back.

From Series: "Friction: The Hurt & The Hostile"

Relationships are such a huge part of life - We have friendships, family relationships, work colleagues, teammates.... the list goes on. When they work well these relationships are life-giving and encouraging. Yet sometimes, these same relationships can start to cause friction. What are we meant to do when sparks begin to fly?

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