Message: “Who is Jesus?” from Chris Boland

A message from the series "The Gospel of John." (Apologies for the missing first section) As the first-century Jews needed to change their presuppositions to embrace Jesus as God, we too might reflect upon our presuppositions of God... Do they look like Jesus?

Chris Boland - September 3, 2023

The Hope In Jesus

(1 Peter 1:3-12) As we continue exploring this letter from Peter, tonight Chris takes a birds-eye view of the passage to consider the reason that Peter is writing to these Christians. This is a letter of encouragement, no matter the storms there is hope to be found in Jesus. As you listen to this message tonight, we pray that you would experience the hope of Jesus in your life and world.

From Series: "Living As Foreigners"

The book of 1 Peter is written by the Apostle Peter to encourage believers who are living in the world as foreigners. Surrounded by people who are living differently to them. This book and series is an encouragement about how to approach a world where we are different from the people around us.

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