Disciple Training or DT is a new format of collective spiritual engagement that we are excited to introduce to our Sunday 5pm space at ASBC.

Simply put: Disciple Training is Hearing and Responding to God in Community.

Discipleship is a loaded word, but through his example in the Bible,  Jesus makes clear that to trust and follow him is not just about hearing, but putting his words into practice. So in DT we acknowledge this with three core questions:

  1. What is God like?
  2. What is God saying?
  3. What am I going to do about it?

Through each DT session you will participate in the discovery process - with a short time of weekly input, and extended collective engagement with a passage of Scripture in real time.

We believe that you will experience the Bible in a whole new way as many moments of revelation occur. The Spirit will lead you into truth, and invite you to respond. Make no mistake, there is a level of vulnerability required, as there should be, whenever Jesus disrupts our world and says, “Come follow me.”

Disciple Training will run in the Hall from 5-6pm sharp, so please arrive at least 15min early so you can greet one another and get settled around tables. While the session style is targeted for youth-age and upward, families with younger kids are welcome and will be accommodated. The doors are open to discover a depth of faith and practice that you haven’t before.

MARCH 2025: Philippians

Welcome to Disciple Training